Learn From The Best: Nutrition and Training Strategies to Steal From Olympic Athletes

As the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang are drawing to a close, sport enthusiasts and laymen alike are slowly starting to sort their impressions of the performances they witnessed/on display. No matter how many Olympic-level events you see, you can’t help being struck (each time) by what talented individuals can achieve through willpower and effort. To… Continue reading Learn From The Best: Nutrition and Training Strategies to Steal From Olympic Athletes

5 Rejuvenating Beauty Procedures You Can Do In Under An Hour

The beauty industry brings in billions in revenue each year – and that should come as no surprise to anybody. From the subtle effects of ageing like sun damage and wrinkles to physical changes related to weight gain, millions are in search of panaceas that’ll roll back the clock and provide genuine results in these… Continue reading 5 Rejuvenating Beauty Procedures You Can Do In Under An Hour

Categorized as Health

Why Your Stretch Marks Are Fine

Lots of folks worry about their stretch marks, especially women. The worry isn’t unfounded, however, because of the society we live in, where women are expected to have the perfect bodies, where there’s a narrow definition of what beauty actually is, and where not all bodies are celebrated. There is nothing wrong with stretch marks.… Continue reading Why Your Stretch Marks Are Fine

Categorized as Health

What Happens To Your Body When You Start Walking 30 Minutes A Day?

A 30-minute walk a day might just be better than the proverbial apple, at keeping that doctor away! No really! There’s a good chance that walking regularly is all your body needs to keep functioning at an optimum. Lose weight, lose the stress and lose the varicose veins; a walk a day can help you… Continue reading What Happens To Your Body When You Start Walking 30 Minutes A Day?

Everything You Need to Know About Retinal Laser Treatment

If we compare our eye with a camera, then the pupil will be the lens and retina is the film. The retina is a cup-shaped part present two centimetres away from the pupil. This retina is used to convert the image seen by our eyes into a signal and send it to the brain. The… Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About Retinal Laser Treatment